Multiline Scripts in YAML

As you know from writing scripts in .gitlab-ci.yml, the YAML syntax can be a bit restrictive, and escaping characters can make your eyes bleed.

I discovered a phenomenally useful feature in YAML syntax. Strings can be built with less escaping by starting the string with a  > or | operator.

> takes the lines that follow and joins them with spaces, while | takes the lines that follow and joins them with newlines.This especially helps with any string where you have a bare : so it’s understood as a colon instead of a new tag.

  - echo http://yaml.thinks.this.is.a.key/bad/bad/bad

We used to hack this using single-quote ' escaping

  - 'echo http://yaml.thinks.this.is.a.string/but.no.expansion/${variables}'

YAML has a nice construct for this using the |

  - |
    echo http://yaml.thinks.this.is.a.string/isn't.this.easier?

So this is really lovely for making JSON using heredoc in YAML and shell.


- 'echo "{
      \"name\": \"${CI_PROJECT_NAME}\",
      \"ref\": \"${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}\",
      \"pipe\": {
          \"id\": \"${CI_PIPELINE_ID}\",
          \"url\": \"${CI_PIPELINE_URL}\"
      \"build\": \"${CI_PIPELINE_IID}\",
      \"sha\": \"${CI_COMMIT_SHA}\"
    }" > ./build.json'


- |  
  cat > build.json <<HERE
      "name": "${CI_PROJECT_NAME}",
      "ref":  "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}",
      "pipe": {
        "id": "${CI_PIPELINE_ID}",
        "url": "${CI_PIPELINE_URL}"
      "build": "${CI_PIPELINE_IID}",
      "sha": "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"

That alone is worth the price of admission.

Note that the multiline operators remove the indent so you can use shell heredoc syntax successfully.

Here’s a good “calculator” to help visualize what | and > do: https://yaml-multiline.info/
which is explained well in https://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/YAML

Categories: Coding

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